[time_settings] #The duration of a Minecraft day in ticks. #This only adjusts the internal length of a day used by the season cycle. #It is intended to be used in conjunction with another mod which adjusts the actual length of a Minecraft day. #Range: > 20 day_duration = 24000 #The duration of a sub season in days #Range: > 1 sub_season_duration = 8 #The starting sub season for new worlds. #0 = Random, 1 - 3 = Early/Mid/Late Spring #4 - 6 = Early/Mid/Late Summer #7 - 9 = Early/Mid/Late Autumn #10 - 12 = Early/Mid/Late Winter #Range: 0 ~ 12 starting_sub_season = 1 #If the season should progress on a server with no players online progress_season_while_offline = true [aesthetic_settings] #Change the grass color based on the current season change_grass_color = true #Change the foliage colour based on the current season change_foliage_color = true #Change the birch colour based on the current season change_birch_color = true [dimension_settings] #Seasons will only apply to dimensons listed here whitelisted_dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"] [melting_settings] #The melting settings for snow and ice in each season. The game must be restarted for these to apply. #melt_percent is the 0-1 percentage chance a snow or ice block will melt when chosen. (e.g. 100.0 = 100%, 50.0 = 50%) #rolls is the number of blocks randomly picked in each chunk, each tick. (High number rolls is not recommended on servers) #rolls should be 0 if blocks should not melt in that season. [[melting_settings.season_melt_chances]] season = "EARLY_WINTER" melt_percent = 0.0 rolls = 0 [[melting_settings.season_melt_chances]] season = "MID_WINTER" melt_percent = 0.0 rolls = 0 [[melting_settings.season_melt_chances]] season = "LATE_WINTER" melt_percent = 0.0 rolls = 0 [[melting_settings.season_melt_chances]] season = "EARLY_SPRING" melt_percent = 6.25 rolls = 1 [[melting_settings.season_melt_chances]] season = "MID_SPRING" melt_percent = 8.33 rolls = 1 [[melting_settings.season_melt_chances]] season = "LATE_SPRING" melt_percent = 12.5 rolls = 1 [[melting_settings.season_melt_chances]] season = "EARLY_SUMMER" melt_percent = 50.0 rolls = 1 [[melting_settings.season_melt_chances]] season = "MID_SUMMER" melt_percent = 50.0 rolls = 1 [[melting_settings.season_melt_chances]] season = "LATE_SUMMER" melt_percent = 50.0 rolls = 1 [[melting_settings.season_melt_chances]] season = "EARLY_AUTUMN" melt_percent = 12.5 rolls = 1 [[melting_settings.season_melt_chances]] season = "MID_AUTUMN" melt_percent = 8.33 rolls = 1 [[melting_settings.season_melt_chances]] season = "LATE_AUTUMN" melt_percent = 6.25 rolls = 1